10 Things To Focus On In 2019


10 Things To Focus On In 2019

2019 has only just begun. And while January is almost at its end, this is still a good time to make life changing decisions that can carom you to greatness- in the long term, or at least improve the quality of your life in the short term. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is almost tantamount to madness or mildly put, delusion. So now is the time to reflect, make important changes and strive to grow. Against this backdrop, here are  10 things MDB thinks to FOCUS on, for a better and more productive  year.

1) Your Purpose:

Have you ever really sat down to think about why God created you and made you how you are? Have you pondered on what your purpose is? Have you analysed your current situation and thought about whether or not you are fulfilling that purpose or at least are on the journey to doing so? If you have, good. But if you haven’t now is the time to start. However, to actually really understand your purpose, you need to first figure out who you are. Many people walk around like they have it all together yet have no clue about who they are without external influence or indirect coercion as to what the society wants them to be. So this year,  really take time out and consciously ask questions and try to find yourself, what your purpose is and what you want to achieve. Praying about this helps a whole lot too.

2) Physical Strength and Wellbeing :

If you’re like me that keeps putting away exercise till the next day(don’t judge me), the time to start is NOW. Exercising as we very well know is not just to lose weight but to keep fit. It is also a good way to kick off your day with great energy and keep your energy levels up. Eating healthy is also very important. I’m not saying go all leafy and eat only fruits and vegetables. Certainly, this is not for everyone. The key thing is to do everything in moderation. So this year, consciously make effort to exercise and eat healthy, or at least the later.

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3) Mental Wellness:

Globally Mental health disorders are projected to reach 15% by 2020. By then, it is estimated that common mental disorders such as depression,substance abuse disorders, etc will disable more people than complications frm AIDS, heart disease, accidents combined! 😳

Even more, in Nigeria, an estimated 20%–30% of of pole are believed to suffer from mental disorders. Yet many of us still don’t take our mental health seriously. Change this in 2019. Don’t pretend to be ok if you’re not. Think and make a note of things that trigger you and stress you out unnecessary. Make conscious effort to do away with them as much as possible. Where it is impossible to completely do away with them,  figure out a way to manage the situation or at least stay away from those things. Even more, search your self and how you react to things. Most of the things you react to you can actually control. Sometimes, just having the consciousness that you can control how you react to things and deciding not let any thing or any one disturb your inner peace can improve your mental health tremendously. But above all, seek help if you need to. Talk friends about how you’re feeling, and if that doesn’t help, find a professional you can talk to or reach out to the people at Mentally Aware on social media. For some, prayer helps too, at least that worked for me.

4) Becoming A Better You

One of the things you should focus on in 2019 is becoming a better version of your self, and deciding daily to become better than the person you were yesterday. Again here you need to reflect and look inwards at yourself, your vices and how you can work on them. Becoming a better person will improve your life, and the quality of your relationships. It will even attract better friendships and more positive energy. But doing this actually begins with being sincere with yourself and understanding who you are( see first point). Then you can earmark the things you need to do better and ratiocinate how you can improve your person.

5) Have More Fun

Working hard is one of the secrets of success but having fun is almost as important. This is because making time to have fun balances your personality and can even improve your productivity. When you have fun you do what you love, and fun could mean different things to different people. Just make sure there is a balance with your work life and you don’t have fun when you ought to be working and vice versa. Having fun also gives room, to hang out with friends and family and enjoy some of the priceless things of life. So after working hard all week, find time to do something fun, that relaxes and excites you.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Leave a comment below and look out for the concluding part on other things you need to focus on this year.

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