Few Things Women Will Never Understand About Being A Man (From A Man’s point Of View)


Written by MDB contributor Zeus. Read:

Women love to use “you just don’t understand” as their mic drop to explain insane behavior. It cuts both ways, because there’s stuff about being a guy that women just don’t get and will never,ever get.

Here are a few things women can and would never understand;

When men miss fire and urinate on the toilet sink

When we shoot,were going to miss sometimes, and when the ammunition is liquid — sometimes there’s going  to be bullets left on the battlefield. We’re not doing it on purpose, but you have to understand we’re not firing at point-blank range like you (women) are.

We have the stress of holding the hose and targeting.

Why we love breasts

We’re not supposed to look at your cleavage, and we know this. But we’re also fighting against millions of years of instincts that makes it really tough not to. Most of us don’t want to do the focused stare, but it just kind of happens, then we end up super conscious of it, which makes it even tougher and offends you.

Having nothing in common with your girlfriend`s boyfriend

Having a Y chromosome doesn’t make all of us instant friends. Just because you have a boyfriend and bestfriend has a boyfriend doesn’t mean we’re going to best of friends with the guy. In fact, more often than not we can’t stand hin. It’s awkward and you never seem to care.


Women for some reason cannot space out. We do it all the time and it’s tough to turn off. It’s like a screensaver — it pops up after a few minutes of inactivity. You think we’re mad, high, or both; when really, we just need to chill a little on our own. Watch Tv,or play video games. Not all quiet men are moody.

We consider shopping a ten minutes activity
If we need shoes, we go find shoes. In and out, red shoes, black, brown. We already know what we want and stick to the routine.It’s a race against the clock to find what we want, take the target down, and make it back out ASAP. No time to browse, just quick action!

The emasculating shame of not being good with work tools
Some of us simply aren’t very handy. Not all guys know how to fix things, and for some weird reason that’s a bad thing to some women . It shouldn’t be, it is just what it is. 


It’s not fine, and you say it’s fine. Just say what it is. We can handle it! Spit it out. 

We sometimes forget that you want us to ask over and over, because when a guy says it’s fine, most times it is. So understand that when we don’t ask you over and over if you’re fine, we are just being who we are and believing that you are ‘fine’not because we don’t care.

Real men don’t hold grudges

Men fight just as bad as women. What makes us stand out is how we resolve disputes. A guy can fight with someone and by evening you’d see them both sharing peppersoup and watching football. We just don’t have that time to keep malice and sulk. It’s not in our DNA.

Guys , if you know one or two things missing in the list, please add it in the comment session. 

1 Comment
  1. Mannyxander says

    So so true….

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