Emdee Tiamiyu: Controversial UK-based Nigerian YouTuber Reportedly Deported



Emdee Tiamiyu

A Nigerian YouTuber based in the United Kingdom, Emdee Tiamiyu, has been reportedly deported.

Emdee Tiamiyu is infamous for his views on migration to the UK by Nigerians through the study route.

In the months to follow, he faced scrutiny over a financial dispute involving the UK government.

The incident traces back to a recent BBC interview in which Tiamiyu made remarks about Nigerian students in the UK, suggesting that many use the student visa system not for academic pursuits but to work and bring their families to the country.

The interview reportedly influenced the UK government’s decision to impose restrictions on Nigerian students, specifically barring them from bringing family members to the UK unless they are enrolled in PhD programmes.

Following the controversial interview, Tiamiyu is alleged to have defrauded the UK government of £160,000. Reports suggest that the funds, intended for resettlement purposes, were instead used by Tiamiyu to construct a house in his native Ogun State in Nigeria.

This might be connected to the reason for his reported deportation.


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