Who TF Did I Marry: Viral TikTok Series Chronicles Alleged Marriage to a “Pathological Liar”


Who TF Did I Marry

A TikTok user known as “Reesa Teesa” has garnered over 122 million views with her ongoing video series titled “Who TF Did I Marry?”, capturing the attention of audiences with her claims of being married to a pathological liar.

Story Arcs and Engagement:

Teesa weaves a narrative over 50 individual videos, describing the evolution of her relationship with a man she identifies as “Legion,” inspired by the Biblical character possessing multiple demons. The series details their initial connection, pandemic cohabitation, eventual marriage in January 2021, and the subsequent unraveling of their relationship after Teesa discovers repeated lies.

Captivating Format and Audience Response:

The series has struck a chord with viewers, accumulating over one million views per video. Teesa attributes this success to her engaging storytelling approach. In a recent video, she explains the decision to release the story in segments, akin to an audiobook, allowing viewers to invest and follow the narrative closely.

She posted a precursor to the series on Feb. 14, explaining that she would be telling the story of her marriage, a video that drew over 13 million views. The first part of the series arrived the same day, and found the largest audience of the entire series, with over 22.8 million views.


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