Buhari Denies Existence Of Cabal In Administration



Former President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday said there is no evidence to prove that his government was, at any point, hijacked by a cabal.⁣⁣

He claimed that if truly there was a cabal, Nigerians should have pointed it out. ⁣⁣

“Why didn’t they talk?” he queried in an interview aired on the Nigeria Television Authority late Monday.⁣⁣

The President said he never interfered with the jobs of his ministers. ⁣

⁣“I don’t have any evidence of anybody doing anything wrong and being allowed to walk away. No.⁣⁣

No, because I don’t deliberately allow anybody to use public resources for himself. I allowed people to do their job as I understood it,” he noted.⁣⁣
Buhari noted that if he were to be president again, he would not do anything differently.


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