Baby Born With Rare Condition Causes Panic In Makurdi  ( Viewer Discretion)


A baby delivered yesterday with a rare condition in Ucha Village , Makurdi, Benue state has left Villagers in awe.

According to the Facebook user who shared the photo, the baby was born with something that appeared to be two huge boils on its forehead, leading to people suggesting it may be ‘Zika Virus’. 

Read what he wrote below:

This baby,was delivered yesterday 8am, at Ucha village naka road no11. I reliably heard the poor parents are planning to throw her away. 

I was made to understand, that there was something like a boil on her forehead, after some time the boil like thing started flowing down until the eyes were covered. Hope this is not ZIKA virus?

What could be the cause of such delivery anyways? Any Medical Doctor in the house?

Any one know what could have caused this rare condition??? 

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