Here Are 10 Of The Worst Kept New Year’s Resolutions


A New Year’s Resolution can be termed as a list or a conscious decision made by one with the aim of following judiciously as a new year begins or is to begin. It’s a form of a promise to oneself or to others.

Unfortunately as easy as it sounds its way harder than it looks. Most of us never keep our resolutions due to effects of our environment in our daily lives.

Here are the top 10 worst kept New Year’s Resolutions from my own point of view, feel free to add your own comments:

1) ” I will lose weight and get fit this year”.

2) “I will quit smoking this year”.

3)  “I will stop womanizing this year”.

4)  “I must get rich this year”

5)  “I will forget about relationships this year and focus on my career/education ”

6) “I must get married this year”

7) ” I will stop going back to my ex this year”

8) ” I would be more careful with my spending this year”

9) ” I won’t allow silly/little things bother me this year”

10) ” I will find a husband/wife this year”.

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