Dangerous Effects Of Lying On Your Health


We all do it. Some even fall sick if they dont.

We spin stories and tell falsehoods for all kinds of reasons—to escape censure, avoid punishment, earn praise or respect, get away from a person or place…the list is virtually endless. The untruth or the reason it is told may not pose a serious health problem, but the pressure of keeping up the pretense does.

Each time we tell a lie, it has to be maintained, usually by telling more lies. Being afraid of being found out, one feels stressed, which generates negative energy and causes the release of stress hormones such as cortisol—known for causing damage to health. Over a period of time, pent up stress can lead to severe health problems such as insomnia, back ache, irregular heartbeat, headaches and lowered immunity.

Telling the truth, on the other hand, builds confidence within oneself and among people. Relationships improve when we are honest, and this leads to the release of happiness hormones such as serotonin!

So much better to stick to the truth, honestly!

1 Comment
  1. Lionheart says

    It’s an act of wisdom to be truthful.

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