Happy Birthday To Me! Flash Back To When Moji Delano Was A Rapper

Guys, it’s my birthday o!
And I am so excited because it’s the beginning of awesome things for me. My year is just about to officially kick start.
I’m experiencing some form of writer’s block(maybe because I’m too excited) lol but thanking God I guess is a good way to start.

God has being so merciful and his grace continues to humble me. The gift of life is indeed a blessing, one I do not take for granted. I’m very thankful and I know that no matter what life throws my way it can only get better.
I’m also very thankful for my blog and the MDB family. Last year November my blog was taken down and I had to start afresh. I lost all my past data and stories. Over the Easter break too my office(my Mac…lol) suddenly developed issues. But as a winner I keep it moving. The devil can try to throw stumbling blocks on the part to success in other to slow me down but nothing can stop me. MDB is here to stay and will continue to grow and become even better. The next couple of months you guys are going to see MDB diversify and become more specific. I’m also going to start my vlog series too.
Meanwhile guys , you guys are not commenting o. What’s going on na? You know your comments are very important to me. It’s how I know you guys are there(apart from through views ) and appreciate my work. If you love me, please make it a point of duty to comment more after reading stories on the blog from now on. Comments are moderated because of spam but they will be be approved as soon as they come in. Please keep those comments coming darlings.
So recently I heard Olamide’s ‘who you epp’ and the beat really struck a cord in me. It took me back to the days I used to hang out at OJB’s Silverpoint studios in Surulere when I tried my hands on rap. I’m talking 2004-2008. I met a lot of people those days including one of the greatest music producers I know MoDogg. You may know Modogg from Wizkid’s Ojulegba track. Wizkid mentioned his studio in the chorus.

Modogg recently did an interview with the pulse in which he mentioned me and it took me way back, and brought memories of my sojourn into music, days when I nursed the ambition of been a rapper, and how my dreams of owning my record label was born.
Modogg is a talented music producer/rapper/singer that has been around for a long time. He it was who really pushed me into recording and actually trying rap and so many talented acts eg: Asa(fire on the mountain) and Wizkid have passed through him. I introduced Ayo whom everyone knows as Wizkid today to Modogg. I met Ayo through the first act I ever managed Willybang(those days he was called SILLY). He was an amazing kid with loads of potential and Charisma. Those days he used to call me ‘mummy’ lol. Him and Willybang would come visiting back then while I was at Fagunwa hall in Unilag. This was way before he ever met BankyW. The Ayo I knew then was sweet and charismatic and will never call anyone’s mum out no matter the circumstances. But then again, that Ayo was yet to be a super duper superstar…lol.
Back to me and my sojourn into music. So one day in 2006, my friend Modogg called me to come down to the studio that he had some guys around and that they were playing with some beats. I showed up, wrote my part under an hour and recorded. I was the only female MC on the track and I rapped after the sfirst chorus. Modogg started the song. Download below and let me know what you think about my verse.
Meanwhile, I am thinking of doing my version of ‘who you epp’ featuring Psquares official DJ and my good friend DJ stramborella and also Modogg. We are not competing o….we are just doing it for the fun. So with what you heard in this downloaded track, think I have a chance? Lol. If I ever end up doing my own 16 bars of Olamide’s ‘who you epp’ I won’t disappoint you. That is a promise.

Meanwhile, I’m expecting my private jets, banana island homes, diamonds and Lamborghinis’ from you my amazing MDB readers in the comments section….hehehe. I must get like a million bday wishes today o….lol. Thank you guys for all the love and support once again. I love you all and will continue to make you guys proud.
I am 29 years old today( no I’m not older). That I am big physically doesn’t mean I’m lying about my age lol. People hardly ever guess my age right and I’m used to it. I was born April 7 1987. Next year God willing I’m going to have a shindig to celebrate the big 3.0 inviting my loyal MDB readers so keep it in mind. Who knows whether we will be celebrating it on a huge white yacht in Dubai😜??? Moral of the story? Keep the comments coming.
Thanks guys! One love.
Some recent photos of me below.

Beautiful you
Hbd swit
Happy birthday Moji Delano. I pray for you that you shall be unstoppable and fulfill destiny. You shall live and fulfill your days on earth. You shall continue in your good works and find favour in the sight of God and man
Happy birthday Moji Delano. Gods blessings today and forever. See u at the top. God bless our hustles
Happy birthday Moji, may greater and better things continue to come your way in quick succession. Have a fun filled day and stay blessed.
Happy Birthday to you @Mojidelano, may your wishes be granted. May you continue to excel in your chosen carrier. Llnp
Happy birthday MDB. You were a badass rapper, personally i think you shouldn’t have abandoned that dream…i remember tagging along with you to OJB’s studio then…I remember hanging out with Durella, Simeon etc..those ‘Lere days were epic.Have a lovely day hun..XO
I just love this babe……simple
Happy birthday to u Moji. Many happy returns. God go bless u whether u like it or not.
Happy birthday Moji Delano… God bless!
Mogee Moguy…lol. The rap was dope, nice one. I can’t wait to hear your version of Olamide’s track.
You have always been an ambitious, daring and hardworking lady. May God bless your effort.
Happy Birthday to you. I pray God grants you happiness, fulfillment and all your heart desires, long life and prosperity. Have a good one.
HBD Moji! Greater years ahead
HBD Moji! Do Have a blast
Happy birthday Moji.. God bless you completely
Me know say I no too dey comment o..lol but I commented faya during your first xmas give away..I came 2nd hehe..but since 2012 I’ve been stuck on MDB I won’t lie…can’t wait to see you scarra to maximum..I wee comment….but anyways lemme say this…Moji I wish you a very happy birthday.dazall..you’re destined for awesomness and greatness..wish I could celebrate with ya..but I no dey..have fun..cheers!!!
Hapy betday to u ma, I wish u more f dis on earth in gud health, wealth, joy, peace, hapiness,longlyf, prosperty and mny gud tinz in lyf..stay blessed…more years ahead …IGBA ODUN ODUN KAN NI O….
Back to d song..u rilly tried,
Bt y ar u nt a rapper or a singer..m xpectin ur who you epp version…
Grter nd beta tinz ahead f u…
Stay blessed
Lest I frgt..back to d wizkid matter, starboy s on rant nw oo…wnt he see dis as if u wnt to create a publicity stunt…I lov moji nd I also lov wizzy….
Bt I dnt wnt @wizkidayo to rant on our own mojidelano ooo….
Kip movin higher, more fruitful years ahead….
Happy birthday moji. Make God take you to greater heights.
Hbd dearie, Wish u all de gudtinz in life. Age wth Grace
My love, I am always proud of you. From our days together at Shaggy, I had been in no doubt that you would do big things. You’ve never been afraid to reach for greatness and you have a very large heart. Well done for all you’ve achieved so far.
I’m excited for what the coming years have in store for you. Keep reaching for more, keep soaring and keep making a difference. The sky is your starting point cos you’ve got Jesus leading you on and making every crooked path straight.
Happy birthday baby. Love you much.
Lara Ibirogba
Happy baiday to the phenomenal Moji of MDB.Keep being an amazon that you are
happy birthday moji,more grease to your elbow,llnp and prosperity babe.wow tot u were older also,it wud be nice to meet you one on one.v a fabbbbb day babe
Receive the dews of heaven. Stay completely blessed. We love you. Happy birthday. 2016
HBD dear! Your verse was dope!
Moji dearie, you are one of the ladies I admired even whilst in school, I ad like the fact that you were bold, bright and beautiful alongside your charisma, I av also been privileged to hear you rap sometime in class(the THING be make sense- I actually thought you were gonna follow up on it, but when I realized that you were into blogging,then I told myself it is all part of entertainment). As you celebrate your birthday today,I wish you a fulfilled life on earth, long life and prosperity. Honestly if I ad the resources would av provided you with a dream home in Banana Island, a private jet, diamonds and or Lamborghini(as per first female president of Nigeria)but we still dey huzzle for that kind money.So my prayers for you is that you will be at the peak and be able to afford whatever luxuries required. As per comments, we will make an effort to comment frequently to appreciate your works. Av a terrific celebration.
Happy birthday Moji. Wish you all the best things in life and the sky is your limit. May God bless your new age in Jesus name. Amen
29 Hearty cheers to U sister!..may God cont to enlarge Yo Coast!…d sky is jus d starting point for U, keep d fire burning! …xoxo!
Happy birthday Moji, God bless your new age!
Happ Moji Delano..More Blessings.
Best wishes on ur birthday. Bigger u i pray. WULLNP
I opened this page so many times today and I just can’t seems to find the word to tell you the way I feel. For someone with so many words I’m just speechless….
Happy Birthday OluwaMojiSolaMi, I wish you all things good, bright and beautiful, from the heart of my heart.
I can only stream the music, I’m unable to download… nice track dope verse…
Happy birthday Moji. May you shine forever! You ain’t seen nothing yet. Shine one gal!
Amazing Moji, Supa dupa babe, intelligent milady, blogger extraordinaire, endowed Moji! I feel like calling you all the names well deserved. Happy Birthday my darling, May The LORD that has brought you thus far, transport you to the land of unimaginable/supernatural success. May this new age deliver to you all that you have ever wished for. (from Sandra Harry’s crew. Babe my husband loves you, but I love you more. he is reading my message on this blog so be rest assured am not lying (winks).
May God bless your new age and continue to protect you Moji. I wish you very best. Happy Birthday.
Happy to you Moji more of it in good health..with plenty money
Happy birthday cutes. Wishing you long life, good health and prosperity. On the track, the flow was very good but the production quality was poor.The sound and voicing isn’t very clear and well filtered which has to do with the production. You sure have many talents. A lawyer cum rapper/ blogger. Nice one . Congrats
HBD sis WULLP.bigger u
Happy belated birthday dear moji, sorry this is coming so so late,been sorting a lot of personal issues, been away for quite a while, but its good to be back… will try to stay in touch. GGMUB
Manny the long lost MDB’er
29 ?//you look older ooo.
happy belated birthday
Happy belated birthday to u. But , u mean u and my wife are age mates ? Unbelievable
Belated Happy Birthday Queen. Did you eventually took rap serious? You’d have become a mega star O.