RECAP: Guys, If You Missed My Vanguard Interview By Kenny Ajose, Read It Here

Few months ago, renown journalist Kehinde Ajose interviewed for the women in business page in Vanguard News papers. Didnt get to post on my old blog, for many reasons. Read the interview below:
For Moji Delano, making a positive impact through the social media is topmost on her mind. Moji studied law at University of Lagos and has used her law background to leverage on making guided business decisions. Today, she is the founder of Moji Delano blog, a social media influencer and an entrepreneur. In this interview, she reveals how women in business can maximize the social media, make a mark and overcome societal stereotypes.
What Prompted The Switch From Law To Venturing Into Business?
For the better part of my adult life I have been involved in business. At the moment I am a blogger, online/digital media consultant and social media influencer. On the side I still sell things from time to time for women. I’m also working on some productions which I can’t disclose yet because it’s still in the pipelines. As for law, I won’t really call it a switch because I still practice on the side. I do commercial law, entertainment law, properties etc. I partner with law firm owned by a friend who practices full time. I however do not do litigation because of its cumbersome nature and the fact that I have my hands in many pies. I pass that to my more experienced colleagues.
What Was Your Growing Up Like And How Did It Influence Your Career Path?
Growing up for me was a beautiful experience. I was raised by my mum and she raised me to become the strong, independent woman I am today. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon but my mum strived to give me the best she could afford and she did her best at it. My dad wasn’t completely out of the picture but it was more of my mum. In fact, it has always been my mum. The strength and resolve my mother displayed as a single mum is one of the reasons why I am determined to succeed and leave my foot prints in the sands of time. She encourages me to chase my dreams and supports my ideas. She encourages me to be strong especially during trying times which is inevitable in any business. She is a huge pillar of support for me and I owe it to her to succeed at whatever I do. She taught me also to be close to God and be very straightforward in my dealings with people. As close as we are, she is my biggest critic and doesn’t mince words at all. She reads my blog and is quick to call when I make a typo. I owe all that I am to God and her.
What Exactly Do You Do As A Social Media Marketer And Blogger?
As a blogger, my job is an enormous one. I blog on all sorts of topics from politics, to entertainment, fashion, lifestyle, sports etc. I however concentrate on technology, bizarre stories and informative stories that people can learn a thing or two for. Right now, I’m searching for a writer. Doing the job alone is a herculean task. I source for news, write the stories, edit the stories and disseminate it to the public via social media platforms. For me, there is really no resting time because at every point in time something new is happening. Over time, what I have learnt to do is to sieve my stories and try as much as possible not to recycle stories that are everywhere. Sometimes it’s inevitable however, because some stories are trending and everyone wants to read those stories. So as a blogger writing on varying topics and news in general, the job is harder where there are a thousand and one bloggers doing the same thing. To stand out takes extra effort, but it’s very possible. Nigeria has over 70 million online users, so there is more than enough room for all birds to fly. Even if you are reporting the same news with another blogger, your style and delivery determines your crowd and audience.
As a social media marketer and influencer I help publicize goods and services using social media mediums especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Over time, I have been able to get a decent amount of followers and form a network that has a wide reach. Through the network, I am able to help a customer publicise his/her goods or services to his or target audience. I also strategize for brands coming online afresh and consult for them on how to create good online presence for their brand.

How Can Entrepreneurs Maximize Social Media?
The importance of social media in today’s world cannot be over emphasized. As an entrepreneur, social media is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to create awareness for your brand and guess what? It’s free. Today, social media has turned designers, makeup artists, comedians, chefs and dancers into celebrities. As an entrepreneur, if you are good at what you do, social media is there to help you showcase your goods and services and reach out to people. To maximize its potential, an entrepreneur must see social media as serious business and not just fun, and be very consistent in interacting with people as well as showcasing goods and services. Consistency is very key in the use of social media.
What Is Your Opinion About Women In Business?
I am very supportive of women in business and I try as much as possible to support other women trying to make a name in a male dominated world. I am totally for it. Gone are the days when women waited for the men to get things done, and they follow. Today women lead in many business and men follow. Women are very good multitaskers and are very determined when they set out to do something, sometimes more than their male counterparts because of societal stereotypes. To make it as a woman today in the business world, you will probably have to do double the work of a male counterpart. Gradually, more and more women are venturing into business and occupying positions never before held by women and it’s really refreshing to see this. As an ambitious woman I have a lot of dreams and aspirations and I will only mingle with people who support my dreams and aspirations. Positive energy is very key in succeeding in business.

What Challenges Do You Face As A Woman In Business?
As a young entrepreneur, I face similar challenges as my male counterparts. The only major difference is that sometimes, as a woman, you get harassed by men who instead of relating with you on basis of merit or what you can do, make passes at you and sometimes won’t give you the job except you are ready to get on your back. I doubt if this practice will ever stop, but as a woman in business, one must learn to rise above these kind of situations. For every man who harasses you sexually, there are many others who are willing to give you a chance, so therein lies the balance. Other than that, the challenges in business cuts across gender.
What Will You Regard As The Highest Point Of Your Business Venture?
I do not think I can pin point that yet, but there have been many beautiful things that has happened because of what I do. Often I am recognized and appreciated by strangers who love my blog. I have been to places where I got freebies because my name rings a bell when I introduce myself. Above all, I have made many friends in high places and met amazing people through my blog. The best is yet to come as I intend to be in business for a long time. I’ve only been in the business for a little over three years.

What was your seed capital?
I started my blog by accident and actually stumbled into blogging and social media. All I needed was a laptop, smart phone and good internet access which I had readily available at that time.
How Do You Intend To Expand The Moji Delano Brand?
Blogging is just one part of the many businesses I do and plan to delve into. For my blog, I plan to do a major over haul soon and run a proper website with writers, etc. I also plan to expand to documentaries and video blogging. On the other hand, I plan to have my own shoe line and also delve into entertainment and advertising. I am currently working on some productions which I can’t say much about at the moment. There is also the legal side of my business too. The sky is the starting point for me, by God’s grace.
Whose Advice Has Been Instrumental To What You Do?
My mum, and I have earlier elaborated on some of the things she taught me growing up. Also a journalist I met when I started blogging influenced me positively and helped me a lot especially in developing a thick skin for people’s malicious comments, veering off the subject matter of a story. When I first started my blog, I did a story that went viral and got a lot of backlash. I wasn’t prepared for it at all, and I wept profusely at the insults and comments I was getting because my position was misinterpreted. The veteran journalist who was a friend at that time laughed when I told him what had happened and explained to me that it comes with the terrain. He made me understand that blogging comes with the ying and the yang and that it is impossible for everyone to like me especially those who are the subject of a story. The most important thing is that a large number of people appreciate your work so in the real sense, it’s a win-win situation from both the haters and supporters. This advice has stuck with me ever since and has helped me not just as a blogger but in business in generally. In all that I do, I put God first and this has helped me to be disciplined and to remain very committed to my goals and aspirations. It can only get better.
Interview by Kehinde Ajose; @iamkenniajose
Valid point in these interview #WomanPower…
If you’re worried why I defend women a lot on this blog #AlisonMadueke #OkonjoIweala , take note of some of Moji’s response…
– Women are very good “multitasker” .
– Very determined when they set out to do something, “sometimes more than their male counterparts”, “because of social stereotypes”.
– Gradually more women are venturing in more businesses and “occupying position never before held by a woman”.
– Gone are the days women wait for men to get things done and they follow.
– “As a woman you get harassed by men who instead of relating with you based on merit and what you can do, make passes at you and sometimes won’t give you the job except you’re ready to get on your back”. “I doubt if this practice will stop”, but as a woman you must rise above such situations.
– “I was raised by my mum and she taught me to be a strong independent woman , she encourages me to be strong through trying times which is inevitable in any business. She taught me to be close to God”.
Study those points like bible…
The industry is a pool of sharks and you have to be super strong, extraordinary gifted and talented as a woman to swim through and succeed. You can sleep your way to the top, but to stay on top it’s another matter. No be beans…
Special thanks to Mama Delano for raising such an extraordinary being.
#YouTheBest…. and I ain’t talking Dj Khalid
Bomiiiooo, I miss u bro
My worst nightmare on the blog… Lol
Moji, you are no doubt an extraordinary blogger! Keep it up…this is just the beginning for your brand!! Kudos
Making women proud everywhere u go such ambition such drive such limit. The sky is really your limit girl!
Strong woman, respect ur mind nd intellect.
Nice one
Making women proud everywhere you go such ambition such drive such discipline. The sky is really your starting point girl!
Moj Moj you’re certainly going places. Just hang in there. You have fab blog and you’re unique in your own WAY GOD BLESS YOU DARLING.
I enjoyed reading this interview.. Infact, I am more proud of you may.. Pls keep it up and never relent.. sky is the limit
Kudos, Thumbs up
Simply beautiful
Kisses…….I’ve always known that you’ll get there. No doubt about that. Ride our super star.
I love every-piece of this interview…..The sky is Ur starting point so U’ve not started sef #BossLady
Then d pic U took @ Ur frnd’s wedding is very very beautiful!
Bomi,thanks for your complaints. I appreciate.
Beautiful woman.
Just seeing this, nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow! iam inspired.lawyers no dey carry learned colleague
Moji you’re intelligent and gorgeous! 2016 is a year of blessings for you and also myself.. Love ❤ you load!