The Player’s Handbook: Signs That Tell When A Shy Girl Likes You


Body Language To Determine Attraction
First off, let me say that most of these signs, if you’re receiving a good deal of them, are pretty much go signals for any woman, regardless of how shy or timid she is. 

This doesn’t mean that you get a few of these signs and you just go for a make-out. It means that you are clear to move forward with her, and to smoothly begin flirting with her and testing the waters for a relationship (sexual, emotional, or otherwise). 

But be careful, wasting too much time thinking about a move instead of making one will kill your chances. She won’t wait forever.

1. Sustained Direct Eye Contact

This is one of the most profound methods that women use to show attraction, and one of the subtle signals that they interpret immediately and therefore expect boys to understand to. Basically, this is one of the key body language signs you want to recognize, as well as be able to utilize. Being able to hold eye contact during conversation is surprisingly rare in men, and mastering this ability for yourself is a great way to display confidence.

If you’re good at eye contact already, try and see if you notice a slight dilation of her pupils. This is hard to notice until you get good at reading body language, but it’s another truly strong sign.

If you’re not having a direct conversation but just so happen to make eye contact across the room, and she quickly looks away, don’t look away just yet. Give it a moment or two to see if she glances back at you. If so, it’s likely that you caught her in the act of checking you out and she’s embarrassed or surprised. Keep it in the back of your mind, but don’t yet go in for the kill until you see other signs.

2. Proximity

If the girl finds reasons to be around you, it’s a very strong indication of her attraction to you. Your aura/swag draws her in. Situations like you going out with a group of people, and her finding some reason to tag a long, could be her hoping for a chance for one of you to make your move. Many girls, shy or not, have enough options to the point where they aren’t going to hang out with someone they do not actively want to be around. Whether or not it is platonic or romantic, a girl going out of her way to be around you is a major sign that she likes you.

3. Hair Flip and Grooming

Men, I hope you’re already aware of the subconscious hair flip. Or brush-hair-behind-the-ears. Depends on the individual girl and her hairstyle, but essentially this is a classic way for a girl to indicate attraction through body language. If she’s fixing her hair around you, that means she’s subconsciously worried about your opinion. If she brushes her hair behind her ears, or ties her hair into a ponytail or bun behind her head, this is a subconscious sign that she likes you. The meaning behind this move is that she is exposing more of her face for you to look at and judge, and hopes that you’ll find her appearance to be satisfactory. Similar body language includes fixing her clothing around you as well.

4. Smiles and Laughter

You’re a normal guy. You have some wit about you for sure, but nothing major. But guy if this chick giggles around you like you’re Basketmouth. Guess what, she’s probably seriously into you. Often times you can attribute this to the halo effect, or the phenomena where an individual is automatically interpreted to be good, or better than average, because of their level of physical attraction to the person perceiving them. If she finds even your lame jokes funny, it might be the halo effect making you see more funny, confident, and outgoing than you really are. Or you might actually be that funny, confident, and outgoing. In which case, she probably does like you. Those are some seriously attractive qualities.

5. Language and Tone

If when she does speak, she speaks in a higher pitched tone, or uses childish/cute language, that means she likes you and is subconsciously appearing to be more feminine and innocent to submit to your energy. 
These are just a few pointers to notice when a shy girl likes you or is showing you some level of interest. Do yourself a favour and read, practice and for God’s sake stop slacking.

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